Responsive Design with Styled Components

How can we use styled-components when implementing a responsive design?

css, nextjs, react, styled-components

First lets make using media queries nicer.

Lets create a file that exports a media object with all the media queries we will need.

Always good to define breakpoints as constants so we can reference them later if needed. CSS Variables are also ok but I define them in terms of TS constants to keep my options open.
// media.ts
export const1desktopWidth= 670
const mq = (strings: TemplateStringsArray, width: number) =>
`@media only screen and (${
strings.slice(0, strings.length - 1).join("") +
width +
strings[strings.length - 1]
})` as const
export const media = {
desktop: mq`min-width: ${desktopWidth}px`,
mobile: mq`max-width: ${desktopWidth - 1}px`,
Always good to define breakpoints as constants so we can reference them later if needed. CSS Variables are also ok but I define them in terms of TS constants to keep my options open.

Import the media object into the file of your component and use like so:

// myComponent.tsx
import { media } from "./media"
const MyComponent = styled.span`
background-color: green;
background-color: pink;

Much nicer than typing out a media query every 5 seconds right?

What about hiding/showing components depending on the device size?

Lets add some more to the media.ts file.

Show the content by default.
Hide the content if the media query is activated.
// media.ts
export const hideOn = (size: keyof typeof media) =>
`1display: contents;
${media[size]} {
2display: none;
const hideOnDesktop = hideOn("desktop")
export const HideOnDesktop = styled.div`
Show the content by default.
Hide the content if the media query is activated.

Now we can wrap our components ensuring they are only rendered on the appropriate device:

import { media, HideOnDesktop } from "./media"
<MobileOnlyContent />

For more tips on implementing responsive design with styled-components and NextJS, see this article.


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